How Can Apartment Dwellers Save Money On Electric Bills

How Can Apartment Dwellers Save Money On Electric Bills?

If you live in an apartment and are trying to save money on your electric bills, you may have been told that it’s impossible. But the truth is that there are plenty of things that apartment dwellers can do to reduce their energy consumption and save money on their utility bills. In this post, we’ll cover some tips for saving electricity in an apartment by looking at how people who live in these types of housing often use too much power – and what they can do about it!

Look for apartments with a strong commitment to energy efficiency.

When looking for an apartment, look for one that has a strong commitment to energy efficiency. This can be indicated by the building being ENERGY STAR certified, or it could simply be that the owner has made a concerted effort to make sure their property is built with energy saving measures in mind. It doesn’t hurt if the apartment complex you’re considering has won awards from organizations like U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) or Energy Star for its efforts either!

Don’t keep the heat and air conditioning turned up too high.

In order to save money on your electric bill, it is important to keep the heat and air conditioning turned down when you are not home. The thermostat should be set at a comfortable level, but not too high. If you want to make your apartment feel warmer or cooler than usual, turn up or down the temperature accordingly apartment dwellwers.

Don’t forget that if you’re leaving for an extended period of time (such as going on vacation), it’s best practice in energy conservation not just turn off all appliances but unplug them as well!

Insulate your apartment well.

Insulate the walls, windows and doors of your apartment. This can help to keep the heat in during winter and out during summer. A programmable thermostat can also be used to control how hot or cold it is in your home.

Close blinds and curtains at night if you want to keep heat from escaping through your windows; open them up when there’s no need for extra warmth (like at night). Weather stripping around doorframes will help prevent air loss from those areas as well too!

If possible, use a space heater instead of turning on your furnace all day long–it’ll save money on both gas bills and electricity costs since heaters use less power than furnaces do but still provide plenty of warmth!

Use CFL or LED lightbulbs.

If you’re not yet using CFL or LED lightbulbs, it’s time to start. These bulbs use 75% and 90% less energy than incandescent bulbs respectively, which means they can save you a lot of money in the long run.

They also last much longer than their incandescent counterparts: up to 10 times as long for CFLs and 20 times as long for LEDs (although this depends on many factors). That means if you keep your lights on most of the day, such as during working hours or when coming home from work at night, then these bulbs will pay themselves off quickly enough that it could be worth spending more upfront just so that later down the road there are no surprises when it comes time to replace them again!

Turn off lights when you aren’t using them.

Turn off lights when you leave a room.

If you’re not using the light, turn it off. This is an easy way to save money on your electric bill and get more comfortable in your apartment. If you have an overhead light that stays on all day, close the blinds or curtains so that daylight isn’t shining into the room through windows where no one needs to see anything anyway! This will also reduce glare on screens like televisions or computers which can be distracting while working or watching TV.

Turn off lights when not being used by using lamps instead of overhead lighting as well as timers for any other appliances such as televisions or radios (but only if they need constant attention).

Use your hot water heater less often, and don’t keep it at the highest setting possible.

  • Use your hot water heater less often, and don’t keep it at the highest setting possible.
  • Turn down the thermostat on your hot water heater to 120 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. This will save money on both heating costs and energy use, since you’ll be using less hot water when taking showers and doing laundry.
  • Only run full loads in washing machines and dishwashers when needed (or better yet, switch to a clothesline). And if you have an electric dryer instead of one that uses gas or propane, consider hanging clothes outside instead!

Wash only full loads of laundry (or line dry).

Washing machines use a lot of energy, so it’s best to wash only full loads of laundry. If you have a few items that need washing but don’t want to fill the machine completely, consider line drying instead of running the dryer. Line drying is better for the environment and cheaper on your electric bill than using an electric clothes dryer (even if you use solar power).

While this may seem like common sense advice, many apartment dwellers tend not to follow through with this rule because they feel like they’re wasting money by not washing their clothes every day or two. However, there are several reasons why this can actually save you money:

  • Washing machines are expensive appliances that require frequent maintenance and repair bills if they break down often enough; this makes them an expensive investment in terms of both time spent maintaining them as well as money spent repairing them when something goes wrong! By washing less often with full loads instead of half ones (or even more), we’re reducing our risk exposure while also saving ourselves some hard earned cash too!

Install a programmable thermostat if you have one control for the heat or AC in your apartment.

If you have one control for the heat or AC in your apartment, installing a programmable thermostat can be an effective way to save money on energy bills. Programmable thermostats allow users to set times during which they want their HVAC systems turned on and off. This allows them to save money by turning off the air conditioning when no one is home or sleeping and only turning it on when needed during waking hours.

To install a programmable thermostat:

  • Find out what kind of system(s) are already installed in your apartment building by checking with property management or looking at previous tenant leases; then see if there’s room inside each unit where a new device could go without causing damage; finally compare prices from different retailers before buying anything

It’s possible to save money on electricity costs in an apartment if you know how to conserve

In an apartment, it’s possible to save money on electricity costs if you know how to conserve. The first thing you should do is turn off lights when you aren’t using them and keep the heat and air conditioning turned down low. Don’t leave the hot water heater on all the time; instead wait until after a shower or bath before turning it back on again so that hot water doesn’t escape through leaks in pipes or faucets that haven’t been tightened properly.

To save even more money on your electric bill, wash only full loads of laundry (or line dry) so that less energy is used for washing machines or dryers that run inefficiently with small loads of clothes inside them.


The truth is that the best way to save money on electricity costs in an apartment is by using less of it. The more energy you use, the more your bill will be. So make sure you’re not wasting power and turning on lights when you don’t need them or heating up your apartment too much during the summer months. These tips can help keep your bills low!

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