How to Remove Line Breaks Online Using Our Free Tool?

The online world is filled with text, but not all of it is legible. Often times, you may run into a situation where you need to clean up some text that contains line breaks in order to read it or process it properly. In this article, we will go over how you can remove line breaks online using our free tool!


Step 1: Login to your account.

To use this tool, you must be logged in. You can log in using your Facebook, Twitter or Google account. If you don’t have an account with any of these platforms, we recommend creating one as it’s easy and free line breaks online!

If you do not want to use social media accounts to log in: You can also sign up for a free email address at Gmail or Outlook (for example) and then use that email address as your username when signing up for our tools here on our site.

Step 2: Click on the “Text” tab in the menu bar.

Step 2: Click on the “Text” tab in the menu bar.

The text tab is located in the top right corner of your screen, and it looks like a piece of paper with writing on it.

Step 3: Copy and Paste your text into the text box and click “Convert”.

To convert your document into an online text, follow the steps below:

  • Copy and paste the text from your document into the text box.
  • Click “Convert”. You will then be provided with an URL link for your newly converted text.

Step 4: You will be provided with an URL link for your newly converted text.

You will be provided with an URL link for your newly converted text. This can be used as per your need, such as:

  • Text message – You can send this URL to anyone in a chat application, who then just has to click on it in order to see the converted text on their screen without having any software installed.
  • Social media post – You could also copy and paste this URL into a social media post so that all of your followers can read it without having any software installed on their computer/device (for example Facebook or Twitter).

Step 5: Copy this link and use it as per your need.

After you copy the link, you can use it to share on social media, download the file or print it. You can also email this link to your friends and family members if they don’t have access to a computer. If you want to embed this text in another website or blog post, then simply copy-paste it into your HTML editor and edit out any extraneous text that is not relevant for your needs.

Finally, we have an option called “Convert into PDF” which allows users who do not have software installed on their computers (such as Adobe Acrobat Reader) convert our free tool’s output into a PDF document!

The best way to remove line breaks online is to use our free tool!

The best way to remove line breaks online is to use our free tool! No need to download or install anything, sign up, pay or wait for a response. Our online line break removal tool will work in seconds and you don’t have to worry about your privacy either because we don’t collect any personal information from you when using this service.

We also take care of any viruses that might be on your computer by scanning the files before uploading them onto our servers so there’s no chance of getting infected while doing this simple task!


So, this was our guide on how to remove line breaks online. We hope that you found it helpful and interesting! If there is anything else we can do for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out and contact us anytime.