I’m not a hacker. I don’t know much about the inner workings of iOS and Android. But I have been jailbreaking my phone for years now, and it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. So if you’re on the fence about whether or not to do it — here are all the reasons why you should:
Is jailbreaking legal?
Jailbreaking your phone is legal. That said, there are some exceptions to this rule that you should know about before you commit to jailbreaking your device.
In the United States, it’s illegal to jailbreak phones if you don’t have permission from the carrier that sold the device in question (e.g., AT&T). This means that if someone buys an iPhone from Verizon and decides they want to change its carrier settings so they can use T-Mobile instead, then they can’t do so without breaking any laws or violating their contract with Verizon Wireless (or whatever other network they bought into). This restriction applies regardless of whether or not Apple has included any kind of restriction on what users can do once they’ve purchased something like an iPhone 6s Plus or Galaxy S7 Edge–it’s entirely up to each individual company whether or not it wants its customers able access certain features within iOS 10 such as tethering via Wi-Fi is jailbreaking is legal without paying additional fees for doing so!
What does jailbreaking do?
The concept of jailbreaking is pretty straightforward, but it can be confusing for beginners. Jailbreaking allows you to install apps that aren’t available in the App Store and remove pre-installed apps. You can also change your phone’s appearance by changing the way it looks and feels.
Jailbreaking vs. unlocking
Jailbreaking and unlocking are two different things. Unlocking a phone allows you to use it on multiple carriers, while jailbreaking is the process of removing limitations that Apple has placed on your device.
While both activities are legal in the United States, they require different levels of effort and technical knowledge: unlocking requires that you have already paid off your contract with AT&T (or another carrier), while jailbreaking requires some programming skills but does not involve any contractual obligations.
Is it worth it to jailbreak?
The answer to this question is not as simple as it may seem. It depends on what you want to do with your phone and whether or not the benefits are worth the risk.
If you’re just looking for something new and fun, then jailbreaking could be right up your alley! Jailbroken phones allow users access to more features than they would otherwise have on their stock version of iOS (Apple’s operating system). This can include customizing their wallpapers, changing notification sounds, adding themes or apps from outside sources like Cydia (an app store for jailbroken devices), installing tweaks that improve functionality on an individual basis–the list goes on and on. If that sounds interesting then yes: jailbreaking is definitely worth doing!
On top of all these perks comes another one: saving money! Many popular apps such as Spotify Premium or Netflix cost less than $10 per month when purchased directly from Apple’s App Store but only $7 per month when purchased through Cydia instead due an agreement between them called “app slicing.”
Jailbreaking isn’t just for hackers and tinkerers. It’s a great way for less tech-savvy users to customize their phones.
Jailbreaking is a great way for less tech-savvy users to customize their phones. You don’t need to be an expert hacker or tinkerer, but if you want to customize your phone in ways that aren’t possible with Apple’s built-in settings, jailbreaking can help you do it.
We’re not going to tell you whether or not you should jailbreak your phone. We’re just here to give you the information you need to make that decision for yourself. The fact is, if you want to customize your phone and install new apps, there’s no better way than jailbreaking it. And if you’re worried about security issues, don’t be—the latest versions of iOS are actually more secure than ever before thanks in part due their closed nature!