Indian Pasport

All Indian Visa Photo Requirements

To be eligible for an Indian visa photo requirements, it’s important to submit a clear, color photograph. Make sure it shows your natural skin tone, hair color, and eyes. The photo must also be high quality. Photos that are overexposed or underexposed are incorrect and could get your application rejected. A blurry photo can also result in a rejection. Here’s how to take an appropriate photo for the application:


Whenever you need to submit your application online for a new visa, you have to upload a picture that meets certain requirements. First, you have to know that the size of the Indian Visa photo requirements is 2 inches by 2 inches, or roughly 51mm x 51mm. In addition, the photo must be of clear natural color, and your face should cover about 50-60% of the picture. For children, these requirements have been relaxed.

The photo must be of you in the center and should have a light background. You should also avoid any shadows that may distract from your facial features. Also, keep in mind that if you wear a head covering, you will have to cover it up. The photo should focus on the features of your face, not the background. It should also be a portrait-style photo that shows your good appearance. Remember, you have less space in the visa interview, so it is better to be conservative when you are preparing for your photo.

Moreover, the Indian Visa photo requirements are quite strict. You must provide a recent color photograph of yourself, no older than six months, and be in a neutral facial expression. You can also upload a recent passport-size photo if you wish. It is important to remember that the photo must be a recent one, because if it is too old, the visa application may be rejected. You can find the exact size of Indian Visa photo requirements here.

The ideal size of an image for the India visa should be 1 MB or 10 MB. The passport-sized image can be found in the details or properties of your photo. Do not use a selfie! It will likely result in a rejection of your application. Besides, you should upload a JPEG image, which is acceptable. It is also important to keep in mind that a photo should be centered.

Proper lighting

There are strict requirements for the photos that must be taken for an Indian visa. The photo must be of you in full center, preferably without distracting shadows or highlights. The photo should also be a full-face portrait without any distracting backgrounds or alterations. The background of the photo should be plain white, off-white, without shadows. Moreover, the picture must be clearly focused on the entire face.

The background should be well-lit and not be overly dark. The applicant should not wear a white outfit because it blends in with the light background. Hair and glasses should be in natural colors, not patterned. The photo cannot be side-viewed or taken on a smartphone. It should be taken in natural light, with a clear background. It must not be a home-printed digital photograph. Applicants who do not follow these guidelines are at a great risk of having their applications rejected.

The photograph should be clear and un-blurry. The visitor’s face must occupy at least fifty to sixty percent of the photo. The visitor’s hair, skin marks, and earlobes should be visible. A religious head cover is an exception to the requirement for a clear photo. Otherwise, it can be a blunder! So, how can one make a photo look good? Here are some tips!

Proper lighting is crucial for an Indian visa photo. The photo should be taken in a well-lit room or studio, so that it is easy to spot your face in the photo. Having the proper lighting will enhance clarity and reduce the risk of your application being rejected. Secondly, it is important that the person wearing the photo is not wearing any colored or flowered clothing. It is best to take the photo alone, as it is more likely to pass the requirements.

Proper posing

When posing for an Indian visa, it is essential to know the requirements for a passport-quality photo. The photo needs to be 2 x 2 inches (51 x 51 mm), should show the full face from top of hair to chin, and should be taken without spectacles or prescription glasses. The photo should also be taken without red eye, but do not try to hide it. Avoid using a direct flash on the photo; it will result in an undesirable red-eye effect. Also, it is imperative that you refrain from smiling in your visa photo, as this can cause the photographer to get a red-eye effect.

Avoiding flash reflection

A common mistake for visa applicants is using a flash for their passport photos. While most passport photos do have flash, there are ways to avoid the reflection. Here are some tips to take the best photograph possible. First, make sure you don’t wear anything that makes you look like a tourist. For instance, do not wear black clothes if you’re going for an Indian visa. And lastly, avoid flash reflection as much as possible.

Remember to use a natural light source. The light in India is incredibly sunny, so it is important to keep this in mind. Taking a natural light source is the most effective way to avoid a flash reflection. Another tip is to always remove any sunglasses or spectacles that might cause reflections. Secondly, avoid using flash at all if you’re taking a visa photo in India. Lastly, avoid smiling for the visa photo. This is not the time to flash your teeth.

Remember that your photo must be a clear, undistorted image of yourself. Avoid a background where there’s too much background. And try not to use a flash, which is another common mistake. Also, the picture should be of your face, not your passport. Remember that your face should cover about 50-60 percent of the photo. If you can avoid using a flash, you’ll have the best chance of getting approved for your visa.

Lastly, you should wear eyeglasses if you’re applying for an India visa. Although it’s fine to wear glasses or other accessories, you need to avoid having them in the photo. If you don’t, the Immigration Officer might request you retake the photo if you don’t remove them. Otherwise, you can expect your application to be rejected. The photo should also be clear and have no distracting reflections.

Visible passport photo

For Indian visa document requirements, you need a passport photo with specific specifications and dimensions. You can capture a photo that meets all these decrees with Visa Photos. Check out their Quick Facts for more information. In addition to these specifications, your photo must be in a natural, clear color, and the size of your face should be 35mm to 40mm. Make sure your photo is of the correct size!

When submitting your photo, it is important to make sure it’s taken within six months. A centered, 35mm or 40mm photo of an adult with a level or undistorted face, is the best option. It must also have the applicant’s eyes open, and the face should occupy 70-80% of the photo’s height. The proportions for child and infant passport photos are slightly different. For a child under four years old, the head should occupy at least eighty-five percent of the photo.

A clear and unobscured background is essential. It must not be blurred, or have any other distractions. Moreover, the face should be in focus. There should be no shadows or marks on the photo, and the lighting should be even. No retouching is allowed on the face or other facial features. However, if you have a religious headgear, the photo will be accepted.

When submitting an application for an Indian visa, the photo you submit must be of sufficient quality. The image should be recent, and preferably taken within six months of the applicant’s application. It should also show the full face of the applicant. The photo must be posed neutrally; a smile or an open mouth is not acceptable. A full-face photo should be taken, with the subject’s eyes open and neutrally-framed. Headgear is allowed only for religious reasons.

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