The best Office episodes ever, ranked by IMDB

The best Office episodes ever, ranked by IMDB

The Office, one of the most well-liked and lauded sitcoms of all time, has numerous episodes that have received high ratings from both viewers and reviewers. The series has included a number of amusing and touching episodes that have involved marriages gone wrong, vehicle accidents, office award ceremonies, and more beets than one could possibly consume in their lifetime.

So, if anyone is watching the program on streaming but is unsure which episode to watch, here are some of the episodes that IMDb users have rated as the top 10 of the season.

10. Niagara: Part 1 (9.2)

When the rest of the office joins Jim and Pam for their wedding celebration at Niagara Falls, things naturally go hectic. Jim unintentionally informs Pam’s grandmother that she is pregnant, Michael shows up without a hotel room, and Andy shreds his privates while doing a split.

Audiences have been waiting for Jim and Pam to get married for years, and it’s likely that they never imagined their wedding would be this absurd and hilarious. Who could forget Pam making the entire office vomit at the beginning of the episode

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9. Casino Night (9.3)

When Michael unintentionally invites Jan and Carol to the office’s casino night at the warehouse, the evening becomes so uncomfortable that not even Kevin’s Police tribute band, Scrantonicity, can make it better. At the same time, Jim says he wants to switch branches and admits his love for Pam, even though he doesn’t think she has a future in Scranton.

One of the most well-known cliffhangers in TV history, the episode concludes with a shocking image of Jim and Pam kissing in the office.

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8. Threat Level Midnight (9.3)

After years of anticipation, Michael’s secret agent script has finally been produced into a film, and it is every bit as absurd and ridiculous as one could anticipate. There are several storyline gaps and unintentionally funny parts in this show inside a program. However, “Threat Level Midnight” is as close to a masterpiece as a movie could possibly get because this is The Office.

This home movie has many characters from previous seasons in addition to almost every member of the show’s cast getting a chance to shine. Overall, this episode serves as the ideal journey through the history of the program prior to Michael’s resignation from Dunder Mifflin.

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7. Garage Sale (9.3)

Michael attempts to think of the ideal manner to ask Holly to marry him, one without any casualties or terrible memories, as the office hosts a garage sale in the warehouse. In a touching conclusion, Michael makes a romantic proposal to Holly before quickly announcing that they would both be leaving Dunder Mifflin.

But there are some funny moments in this episode. Jim tricks Dwight into buying “wonder legumes” in a classic joke, while Kevin shows off his cunning by conniving Andy and Darryl while playing the Dallas board game.

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6. Dinner Party (9.4)

In a parody of who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf, Jim and Pam are made to spend an uncomfortable evening with their dysfunctional hosts after they accept Michael and Jan’s invitation to a dinner party. This episode features some of the show’s trademark cringe humor, which intensifies as Michael and Jan grow increasingly enraged with one another and culminates in Jan throwing Michael’s Dundie trophy into his little plasma screen TV.

And if that wasn’t awkward enough, Dwight shows up with his date/childcare provider while Andy takes Angela to the party. Thanksgiving with your family shouldn’t be as stressful as this historic episode, so please don’t think that.

5. A.A.R.M. (9.4)

Dwight arranges auditions for the post of “Assistant to Assistant to the Regional Manager” in the series’ penultimate episode. Dwight reconnects with Angela and discovers that her boy is his, Darryl receives a decent farewell from his coworkers, and Jim sends Pam the letter he had intended to give her in season 2.

It’s difficult not to cry while watching this episode because there are so many touching moments. Andy humiliates himself on America’s Next A Cappella Sensation to get his justly deserved payback for his haughty behavior in the previous season.

4. Niagara: Part 2 (9.4)

At Jim and Pam’s wedding, the chaos persists as Pam fights to control everyone after her veil is torn and Andy hurts his “Bernards.” Kevin is made to wear tissue boxes as shoes, while Michael is made to sleep in the hotel ice room.

All of this bizarre episode concludes in Jim and Pam getting married twice, once privately and the second time with everyone imitating the “JK Wedding Entrance Dance” video that went viral. The wedding in this episode is one of the silliest in television history, but viewers wouldn’t have it any other way.

3. Stress Relief (9.7)

Dwight sets the tone for this episode by simulating a fire, which causes the office to go into a panic and causes Stanley to have a heart attack. Then, Dwight makes a second mistake by slicing off a CPR dummy’s face and wearing it on his face in the style of Hannibal Lecter. Michael strives to keep the office calm, as one might expect, only to discover that he is the source of their tension.

Then, in an effort to cheer everyone up, he has his staff roast Michael, which triggers an outburst of long-suppressed resentment from everyone toward Michael. But Jim also shows Pam his affection in a way that makes more than just his rage and frustration visible.

2. Goodbye, Michael (9.8)

Michael Scott informs his employees that this is his second-to-last day at Dunder Mifflin even though it is actually his last day in order to spare their feelings. He spends the day saying goodbye to each employee personally, giving Andy his client list and Dwight both a recommendation letter and an epic paintball battle.

This episode is filled with heartbreaking goodbyes from Michael to the coworkers he has grown to know and love. While all of this is going on, Andy must cope with his odd and incompetent new boss, Erin, her scary ex, and Gabe, who demonstrates that even though Michael is leaving, he is still leaving behind a bizarre but interesting office.

1.      Finale (9.8)

Oh, this episode is just going to make everyone cry here. Everyone gets together in Scranton to celebrate Dwight and Angela’s nuptials months after the cast’s documentary is broadcast. For the office’s final large gathering, a lot of past characters from the program appear, similar to “Threat Level Midnight.” In one memorable cameo, even Michael makes a comeback to serve as Dwight’s best man.

Everyone from Dander Mifflin receives a satisfying conclusion to their character arcs in this hour-long finale. Jim and Pam relocate to Austin, Andy lands the dream job at Cornell, Erin gets to meet her biological parents, Kelly and Ryan take off together, Nellie adopts a child, and Creed is detained for his crimes. Despite its mixed reviews, Season 9 still provided fans and critics with the ideal

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