Lipstick Plant – Complete Care and Guidance For Lipstick Plant

Lipstick plant is a beautiful plant. That gets its name because the flower buds peek out of dark-colored tubes, and vivid red blossom emerges from dark maroon buds reminiscent of a tube of lipstick.


Lipstick Plant Characteristics

Lipstick Plant Characteristics -
Lipstick Plant Characteristics

leaves are green, yellow, ovate, opposite, waxy, and somewhat succulent. The flower resembles a lipstick and its color is bright red to purple-brown. The flowers have a pungent aroma and are attractive to sunbirds and hummingbirds. These flowers bloom in all round the year and the color of flowers is interesting and easy to look after.
Safe to grow as houseplants in a home with pet children because these plants are non-toxic. This beautiful plant affects an attractive display before a bright window and it is an excellent option for giving a splashing colour to kitchens, washrooms, and dining rooms. There are glossy and thick leaves covering the ambling stems, forming this vine an exuberant, tropical tone for your own home

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1. Care guide of lipstick plant


   Dropping Leaves

   Soil and Nutrients




   Propagation of lipstick plant



Lipstick plant will not bloom without adequate light. Avoid placing this plant in full shade or full sunlight. The plant needs bright light for a portion of the day, but not the whole day.

Dropping Leaves 

The most common cause of leaves falling off is improper watering. Carefully check the soil by sticking your finger one inch down and if it’s dry then water it. If the soil is wet, then allow it to dry out a bit before watering it again.

Soil and Nutrients

Soil and Nutrients   -
Soil and Nutrients

This plant care begins with airy soil proper fertilization A 3-2-1 ratio liquid fertilizer gives a good result to keep the soil moist. The best potting soil is mixed with sphagnum that’s kept moist.


Air and Soil temperature must be a minimum of 70 to 80f (21-27c) for proper blooming.


The location is very important in growing of lipstick plants. It grows well in a warm climate but must be in dappled shade and be protected from direct sun but should receive sunlight indirectly. So place the plant in a bright area but not in the sunlight like window


Lipstick vine is a native of the humid rainforest and tropical of java north to the Malay Peninsula where long trailing trees grow. Usually, lipstick plants are growing where the humidity level is consistently high. Humidity is important for the healthy growth of the indoor plants. You have different options to grow your healthy plant.

  • Fill the spray bottle with water at room temperature and mist the plant 4 to 5 times in a week
  • If you experience that your hanging lipstick plant is not growing then fill a tray with small pebbles and set the pot in the center top of it so that the water drains from the pot into the tray and as the water evaporates, it creates the humidity.

Humidity is necessary to grow so you must do a proper arrangement of humidity around the lipstick plants for good growth. But too much moisture (humidity) creates fungal problems. So if you note gray fuzzy, black or brown fungus, immediately stop the watering and avoid mist.

Propagation of a lipstick plant

Propagation of a lipstick plant -
Propagation of a lipstick plant

Aeschynanthus pulcher “lipstick plant” is a house plant that will grow easily but it will grow well in air and humidity. New lipstick plants can be easily propagated by cutting the stem for healthy growth. For healthy growth, proper propagation steps are required. 

First of all water, the plant a day before and must be well hydrated. Counting the stem tip and cut a stem below the fourth set of leaves. secondly, Pinch off the two lower and two upper sets of leaves

Thirdly, Cut the stem at around four-inch in length. Above all, Be careful that the stem is not flowering or does not have buds. Cut the stem into the rooting hormone and plant it in a moist growing normal size or hydrated small pot. Therefore, Must be kept in high temperature and warm shade and avoid direct sunlight.

Create humidity around the pot for increasing the speed of rooting. For creating the humidity put a plastic bag over the cutting and cover it. Wait for four to six weeks while roots appear.

When you see the roots then examine it by gently sliding or tugging from the soil. If root holds the soil it means it has rooted. Then wait for two or three weeks more for rooting power. After that shift or transplant into a large pot and look after it on a daily basis.


It does not require pruning it only needs to remove the dead damaged and extra stems which are larger than your desire.

Types of lipstick plants        

However, Lipstick plant has a huge range of different interesting types and varieties that will decorate your desired places.  This plant is non-toxic so can easily grow indoor.

Cassiopeia lipstick plant

Above all, This plant is an amazing and most attractive plant with bright red flowers emerging from dark purple redbuds.

Curly Q lipstick plant

Curly Q  -
Curly Q lipstick plant

However, The Curly plant has curly and twists dark green leaves as its name indicates. Its name comes from its scarlet flowers which open from buds resembles lipstick tubes. Moreover, These plants are mostly used for interior decoration and plants are mostly hanged for the display of their complete beauty. These plants grow well in the moderate supply of water.

Krakau lipstick plant

Moreover, It has shiny and pointed dark green leaves and countless red clusters of flowers.

Mini Variegated

Mini Variegated  -
Mini Variegated

Moreover, It is a unique plant that has medium green leaves with small reddish flowers. Best plants for indoor decorations. These are usually used in baskets for decoration.

Purple star lipstick plant

Purple star lipstick plant -
Purple star lipstick plant

The purple lipstick plans lush bright green leaves with red flowers. This plant grows best in a humid environment and also requires bright light instead of direct sunlight. The temperature required for its best growth is 60-80oF during summer and 55oF during winter.

Red lipstick plant

Red lipstick plant -
Red lipstick plant

Shiny bright green leaves and Red flowers like purple stars.

Black Pagoda Lipstick Plant

The Black Pagoda has smallish green flowers. It is grown for its variegated and streaky foliage.

Tangerine lipstick plant

However, The Tangerine lipstick plant is known for its specialty. It has an orange, yellow flower with green leaves.

Lipstick plant Mona Lisa

Mona Lisa  -
Lipstick plant Mona Lisa

This Lipstick plant “MONA LISA “blooms orange-red flower with dark green leaves. Aeschynanthus puncher “MONA LISA “is a beautiful flower which beautifies your indoor places like plots, lawns, and windows. You can also hang it in the center of your room.

Aeschynanthus pulchr  “Mona Lisa” requires moderate temperature as it can’t tolerate too high and low temperatures. It also needs humidity and water but not in excess as it creates fungus which spoils the plant and its beauty.

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