Common Ways of an Infection Spread

Common Ways of an Infection Spread

Infections are caused by bacteria and viruses that enter your body through the mouth, nose or skin. The disease spreads from person to person through contact with an infected person’s blood, mucus or other bodily fluids. You can also get an infection if you touch something that has come into contact with infected fluid, such as a towel or handrail in public places. The virus can live on objects for up to three hours after being wiped. So, washing hands regularly and frequently stock your infection control supplies throughout the day, especially before eating food containing harmful bacteria such as salmonella or e-coli.

Hand-to-hand contact

This is one of the common ways to spread infection from a patient to the health worker.

It is vital for everyone working in healthcare facilities, including doctors, nurses and support staff, to wash their hands before and after treating patients.

If you don’t have time to wash your hands after contacting a contaminated surface or object (e.g., door handles), use alcohol-based hand sanitiser instead.

Sneezing or coughing

A patient suffering from a disease that spreads through the air can spread the infection if they sneeze or cough in front of you.

To reduce the risk of infection, keep your hands clean using infection control supplies and avoid sharing food, drinks and utensils with infected persons. Also, remember to wash your hands before eating and handling food after using public toilets. Wear protective clothing like rubber gloves when touching an infected person, especially when cleaning their room or tending to them personally. Avoid close contact with people who are sick as much as possible, for example, by keeping away from them at school or work until they have recovered fully from their illness.

Food or drinks sharing

Sharing food or drinks with someone who has an infection can be a way to get the infection yourself. This is especially true if you have cuts on your hands, which can let germs into your body more easily.

  • Don’t eat or drink in the patient’s room. If you’re visiting someone sick, don’t bring anything into their room that could carry germs, like plates, cups, forks and knives (if they’re not going to use them again).
  • Don’t eat or drink in the patient’s vicinity (or “vicinity”). Make sure to stay away from people who are sick when they cough, sneeze or blow snot out of their nose; otherwise, these secretions may get onto your clothes and then spread onto other people when they touch your arms while talking to each other.

Stay hygienic

If you are sick, keep your distance from others to prevent them from getting sick.

  • Always use separate utensils for each person, especially if you have a cold or the flu.
  • Wash your hands before and after eating, drinking, using the bathroom and handling food.
  • Do not share drinks or cups with others.

Sharing soaps and towels

You should wash your hands with soap and water before and after treating a patient. This can help prevent you from spreading germs to other people or places. You should also use disposable towels and linens when possible, as they are less likely to spread germs than cloth ones.

You should clean your hands with soap and water before eating, drinking or touching your face. This is especially important if you have connected something that might be contaminated with germs (e.g., a door handle).


These are some of the common ways of spreading infection. You can reduce the risk of infection by keeping your hands clean. If you are in a profession where you cannot avoid contact with patients, you should always be suited and ready for the battle with all the infection control supplies.