Aloe Vera Cosmetics

Aloe Vera Cosmetics: You Never-Ending Youth Secret

If you have not yet tried aloe vera cosmetics (which is least likely as aloe vera products are available these days in absolute majority of beauty stores or departments) you must have definitely heard about all the magic it is doing for skin care. Let me share my personal experience applying aloe vera cosmetics (thanks to for hair care and overall internal health.

Improve Hair

Nothing ruins a good hair day like unsightly, flaky dandruff on your head. So many suffer from a dry, itchy scalp and find little relief. Even the most expensive shampoos often contain harsh chemicals that irritate and dry out the scalp. Whether caused by a chemical reaction, a fungal infection, naturally dry skin or even excess oil, aloe vera can be the key to beating dandruff once and for all. Its benefits for the scalp and hair are threefold. Its high moisture content and easy absorption into the skin soothes and hydrates the scalp, balancing oil production and preventing it from becoming dry and flaky. It also encourages and increases circulation to the scalp and promotes new hair growth while repairing damaged or dead skin cells on the surface. And finally, its keratin (protein) content revives and strengthens hair, preventing breakage. But that’s not all; aloe can also help your locks look smooth and shiny by softening and conditioning it naturally, without the help of nasty chemicals.

Pro Tips

If your shampoo or conditioner already contain aloe and work well for your hair, great! If you feel they leave something to be desired, try adding aloe to your hair care routine. You can apply it straight onto your hair or scalp and let sit for an hour, then rinse. Repeat once or twice weekly. Alternatively, you can try to make your own aloe-based shampoo by combining ¼ cup of aloe gel with 2 tablespoons of honey. Aloe also makes a great natural hair gel for taming unruly strands.

Boost Internal Health

While not a specific benefit to your skin, it’s worth mentioning that using aloe internally can help with the overall health of your skin. After all, the healthier we are on the inside, the better we look on the outside! The list of internal benefits of aloe is long and includes lowering cholesterol, easing inflammation, and boosting the immune system. Adding aloe as a supplement to a healthy, balanced diet can make you feel good and look good, too.

Pro Tips

You can add aloe gel extracted directly from its plant into a smoothie, or you can purchase aloe supplements in the form of juice, pills, or powder. These are readily available in most health stores. Before adding aloe to your diet you should consult with a doctor to ensure the correct dosage and discuss possible side effects.

What I know for sure is that aloe is one of nature’s most amazing gifts for women as a plant. No wonder it has been a superstar beauty essential for many centuries. If you haven’t experienced the effect of using aloe on your skin, it might be high time to see what this amazing substance can do for you.

Do you have an aloe vera plant at home? Simply break off a piece, rub the gel on your face, and see what happens. Let us know the results in the comments below!

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