How to Run a Successful Instagram Cash Giveaway?

In this article, you will get to know about how to run a successful Instagram cash giveaway. Moreover, you will also get to know about the perks of hiring an influencer marketing agency.

Everyone loves free stuff. Just entertain this thought; you get money in exchange for tagging some friends. Sounds exciting?  Well, there is something with our psychology that triggers our response when we hear about some stuff in exchange for nothing.

People love snagging some free swag, then whether it be a buy-one-get-one deal or some Instagram cash giveaways; excitement never fades away.

Taking the other side of the picture into account, what does these Instagram cash away offer the one who gives away these cash and other free stuff? Well, one thing’s clear; no one just randomly gives anything for free, until or unless it offers something in return.


Instagram Cash Giveaway

Social media has become an indelible reality of our lives. With the changing world dynamics, we can’t just overlook the kind of influence social media is constantly having on our lives. And to top all of that, social media has branched out into many offshoots and every sub-branch has its own dynamics and challenges.

Ever since Instagram has rolled out, more and more people have shown plenty of inclinations towards the app. People use it for different purposes. Some use it just out of interest, scrolling through the app, day in and day out. For some, it has become a connectivity source to connect with their family and friends.

Well, there is another category and we are sure that is the kind of category you are here for. Well, without any further a due let’s get right into it.

Running Successful Instagram Cash Giveaway

The most important category that has surfaced over the last couple of years is the influencer group on Instagram. Initially, Instagram was just about posting some photos and getting a few likes and comments. Well, you could say the trend hasn’t changed completely, rather, it has revolutionized within the span of fewer than 10 years.   And the influencer group is the most significant outcome of the app.

For many people out there, it looks as if they are having all fun while going to interesting places and taking pictures and posting them. Well, just a reminder, nothing comes free – there is a lot of hard work, patience, and creativity behind the scenes. As, after all, these are the full-time job for many Instagram style influencers.

Why Instagram Giveaways?

Before directly divulging the tips to run a successful Instagram cash giveaway, it is imperative to know why exactly you want to conduct them in the first place. Here’s why conducting an Instagram cash giveaway could boost your influence in such a competitive place.

So, now let’s move on to the next part where we are going to tell you how you could run a successful Instagram cash giveaway.

Tips to Run a Successful Instagram Cash Giveaway

If you are one of the Instagram style influencers or deciding to embark upon the journey, let us tell you some of the cool bonus tips which would be a lot of help for you in running a successful Instagram cash giveaway.

So, if you have decided to start on this journey, understand the below-mentioned steps first, and then host some cash giveaways.

First and foremost, made it clear why exactly you want to set up the giveaway? What do you expect out of this giveaway? Your chosen goal will directly impact every other decision you make, ranging from the cash you want to give away and the impact it would have on your account.

So, we suggest, jot down the goal you want to achieve out of the giveaway.

Before setting up and implementing a giveaway, you have got to sort out what exactly or, in case of cash, how much do you want to give to the winners. And then, weigh the pros and cons, and once you are done figuring that out, set up the exact amount you want to giveaway.

Every giveaway has its own criteria and this is entirely up to you to set up the criteria of your cash giveaway. For example, for some people the criteria are tagging a specific number of people, following the account, or share the post, etc. so, setting the criteria is entirely at your disposal. Setup whatever you want and enjoy the consequences.

One of the important points is to set up a time limit. This is the most strategic step while running a giveaway as you have to set up the time where you could gain the maximum following. But the worth considering point is not to drag the time too long, so it could drive away from the people’s interest.

Although Instagram does not remove posts on its own, since the platform is so diverse that the people indulge in other large posts. Therefore, once you create the giveaway post make sure to remind people occasionally.

Influencer Marketing Agency

Despite the aforementioned tips, some influencers need a quick outcome. In such cases, Influencer marketing agencies are your go-to.

  • The influencer marketingagency promotes your account among the masses.
  • You could improve the quality of your videos/posts etc. as you could have consistent feedback on posts.
  • With the right kind of agency by your side, you can always improve your perception among your audiences.


If you are an influencer, Instagram giveaways should definitely be in your arsenal. It’s a win-win for you and your audiences! As for you, it would increase your influence, and for your audiences, it would be a free takeaway. Furthermore, if you partner up with some influencer marketing agency the results are just marvelous. So, go and enjoy the treat!

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